- Department: Civil Engineering
- Designation: Professor & Principal
- Phone: 9731568215
- Email: basagoudarp@sgbit.edu.in
- Teaching Experience: 33 years Years
- Industry Experience: NIL
- Research Experience: 4.0 Years
B.E. | Civil Engineering | NITK Suratkal | Manglore University |
M.Tech. | Indusrtial Structures | NITK Suratkal | Manglore University |
Ph.D. | Civil Engineering | Walchand College of Engineering Sangli | Shivaji University Kolhapur |
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE) LM 20198 Life Membership
Institute of Engineers India(IEI) M-1530008 Life Membership
Current Research
An investigation on the behaviour of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete produced by using fibres of different aspect ratioAwards
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Grants Received Research/Projects Guided (Beyond Academic)
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International Journals:
No. of International Journals Publications:15
1) Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of temperature on the properties of concrete containing glass powder as pozzolana”, Published in the Journal “International Journal of Engg.Research and Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181”,Vol.1, Issue 8, October-2012. 2) Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “ Use of glass powder as mineral admixture in steel fibre reinforced concrete”, Published in the “International Journal of Research in Engg., Science and Technologies (IJRESTs), Vol.1, No.1,April -2015.
3) Dr. B.R. Patagundi and Mr.Vaseem M.D. published a paper on “Comparison between R.C.C. and Steel Structures by Seismic Analysis” in Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface, July 2016.vol 4.
4) Dr. B.R. Patagundi and Ningraj S.D. published a paper on “Optimum location of soft storey in tall buildings over the height using Response Spectrum Method” in “International research journal of engineering and technology(IRJET) ”,Vol.04 Issue 06, June 2017
5) Dr. B.R. Patagundi and Akshay Vastrad published a paper on “Strength studies on glass fiber reinforced concrete members by partial replacement of natural sand by manufactured sand subjected to acidic attack” in “International research journal of engineering and technology(IRJET) ”,Vol.04 Issue 07, June 2017
6) Dr.B.R.Patagundi, Dr.K.B.Prakash and Rudraswamy M.P. published a paper “The workability studies of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete produced by using fibers of different aspect ratio” in “The International journal of Civil Engineering and Technology ( IJCIET) ” Volume 9,Issue 7, July 2018, pp.1293-1301.
7) Dr.B.R.Patagundi, Dr.K.B.Prakash and Rudraswamy M.P. published a paper “The ductility behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete produced by using fibers of different aspect ratio” in “ The International journal of Civil Engineering and Technology ( IJCIET) ” Volume 9,Issue 9,September 2018, pp.548-555.
8) Dr.B.R.Patagundi and Ms.Ujwala Ghorpade published a paper “A Performance study of response of (G+20) Regular and Braced RC Building Under the effect of Soil Structure Interaction ( SSI)”, International Research Journal Of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Volume-06, Issue -6, June 2019, ISSN:2395-0056
9) S. K. Kamane, N. K. Patil and B. R. Patagundi published a paper“ Flexural Behavior of Artificially Degraded Steel I Section Externally Bonded With GFRP, BFRP and CFRP ” in “The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) “, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019 ”
10) Dr.B.R.Patagundi, Dr.K.B.Prakash and Rudraswamy M.P. published a paper “ Near surface characteristics of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete with different aspect ratio” in “ The International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ( IJRTE) ” Volume 8,Issue 3,September 2019, pp.1025-1028.
11) Dr. B.R.Patagundi, Dr.K.B.Prakash and Rudraswamy M.P. Published paper on “An Investigation on the shrinkage Characteristics of Hybrid Fibre reinforced concrete Produced by using fibres of different aspect ratio” in International Journal of Advanced research in Engineering & Technology (IJARET) Scopus Indexed Journal, Volume11 ,Issue 3,March 2020.
12) Dr. B.R.Patagundi, S.K.Kamane and N.K.Patil Published paper on “Use of artificial neural network to predict the bending behaviour of steel I beam externally attached with FRP sheets” in Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER Journal, https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.04.893
13) 1. Dr. B.R.Patagundi, S.K.Kamane and N.K.Patil Published paper on “Prediction of twisting performance of steel I beam bonded exteriorly with fiber reinforced polymer sheet by using neural network” in Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER Journal, https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.12.026
14)Mrs. Amruta.A.Lakade, Er. Saurabh S. Joshi, Dr. V. V. Karjinni, Dr. B.R. Patagundi, published a paper on “State-of-The-Art Review on Role and Effect of Geotechnical Properties on Pavement Design” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 07,July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
15) Mrs. Amruta.A.Lakade, Dr. B.R. Patagundi and Dr.N.K.Patil published a paper on “A Study on Reflective Cracking Mitigation Strategies for Rigid Pavement Overlaid with Flexible Pavement” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 08 Issue: 09,Sept. 2021, www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 .
National Journals:
No. of National Journals Publications:12
1. Prakash K.B., Basagouda R Patagundi & Prashant G Kulkarni “An evaluation of no fines concrete short columns with glass fibre reinforced plastic castings” published in the journal “New Building Materials and Construction World”, September 2002, Vol. 8, No.3, P 24-28.
2. Prakash K.B., Basagouda R Patagundi, M.B. Patil & S.D.Moses “Performance Evaluation of Different Fibers with reference to Shrinkage of Concrete in Different Environments” published in the journal “New Building Materials and Construction World”, September 2004, P 84-89
3. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of alternate wetting and drying on the properties of concrete containing waste glass powder as pozzolana”, published in “Construction Journal of India”, February 2008, P.14-19.
4. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “An investigation on the strength properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete produced with glass powder as pozzolana”, published in the Journal “New Building Materials & Construction World”, August 2008, P 246-252.
5. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of chloride and sulphate attack on the properties of concrete containing waste glass powder as pozzolana”, Published in “The Indian Concrete Journal”, December 2008, P 35-41.
6. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of freezing on the properties of concrete containing waste glass powder as pozzolana”, Published in the Journal “Civil Engineering and Construction Review”, December 2008, P 94-99.
7. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of sustained elevated temperatures on the properties of SFRC containing waste glass powder as pozzolana”, Published in the Journal “The Master Builder”, February 2009,Vol.11, P 112-122.
8. Patagundi B. R., Prakash K. B and Karjinni V.V., “Glass Powder as a Pozzolana in Concrete”, Published in the Journal “The Indian Concrete Journal”. May 2013,Vol.87,No.5, P 29-37
9. Dr. B.R. Patagundi, “Effect of chloride attack on the properties of SFRC containing waste glass powder as pozzolana” published in Indian concrete journal, July 2015, vol 89. No.7. P-43-51
10. Dr. B.R. Patagundi, “Effect of acidic attack on the properties of SFRC containing glass powder as pozzolana” published in the journal “The Master Builder” November 2015, vol.17, P 72-77.
11. Dr. B.R. Patagundi and H. Manjunath published a paper on “Performance of concrete by partially replacing fine aggregate with granulated blast furnace Slag and cement with fly ash” in “The Indian Concrete Journal”. June 2017,Vol.91,No.6, P 41-47.
12. Dr.B.R.Patagundi, Dr.S.S.Salimath & Mr. Haris H. published a paper “An experimental investigation on basalt fiber reinforced concrete subjected to sulphate attack” in “The Indian Concrete Journal”. May 2018, Vol.92,No.5, P 32-41
International Conferences:
No. of International Journals Conferences:9
1. Venkata Krishna H.V. and Patagundi Basagouda “Some Studies on the Behavior of Ferrocement in Shear”, published in the proc. of 3rd International Conference on “Ferrocement” held at University of Roorkee, during the year 1988.
2. Patagundi Basagouda R. and Rajput Anjali B. “Durability Studies on Concrete using Superplasticizers” presented in the international conference on “Maintenance and Durability of Concrete Structures” held at J.N.T.U., Hyderabad, during March 4 – 6, 1997.
3. Kulkarni Prasanth G., B.R.Patagundi and K.B.Prakash “Suitability of No-Fines Concrete Short Columns with GFRP Casings”, presented in the International Workshop and Conference on “Construction Management and Materials” held at IIT, Kharagpur, from Jan 9-11,2003.
4. Prakash K.B., B.R.Patagundi and Manjunath Bhogone “An experimental investigation on the effect of addition of more than two admixtures in silica fume concrete”, published in the International Conference on “Recent trends in concrete technology and structures” held at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, during Sept. 10-12, 2003.
5. Prakash K.B., B.R.Patagundi, M.B. Patil, and S.D.Moses “Study of shrinkage characteristics of fibre reinforced concrete in different environments” Published in Proceedings of National Seminar on “Futuristic in concrete & construction engineering” held at S.R.M.Engg College, SRM Institute of Science and Tech. Kattankulathur,Chennai,during Dec 3-5,2003.
6. Patil M.B., B.R.Patagundi and K.B.Prakash “Effect of aspect ratio and orientation of glass fibres on the strength characteristics of concrete”, Published in Proceeding of ICFRC International conference on “Fibre composites, high performance concrete and smart materials” 8TH –10TH Jan. 2004, Channai, India.
7. Prakash K.B., M.B. Patil, B.R.Patagundi, and S.D.Moses “Shrinkage characteristics of concrete containing different fibres in different environments”, Published in Proceeding of ICFRC International conference on “Fibre composites, high performance concrete and smart materials" 8 –10 Jan. 2004, Channai, India.
8. Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of replacement of cement by waste glass powder on the properties of concrete”, published in the proceedings of National Conference on “Recent trends in civil engineering”, 9-10 March, 2007, R.I.T., Rajaramnagar, Sakhrale, Sangli. 9. Patagundi B. R and Jadhav R T. “Effect of freezing and thawing on the properties of SFRC containing waste glass powder as pozzolona” published in 6th International multiconference on “intelligent systems, sustainable, new and renewable energy technology and nanotechnology (IISN-2012)” 16-18 March, 2012, Institute of science and technology, Kalwad (ISTK), Haryana.
10. Dr. B.R.Patagundi, S.K.Kamane and N.K.Patil Presented paper on “Prediction of twisting performance of steel I beam bonded exteriorly with fiber reinforced polymer sheet by using neural network” in the 1st International conference on “Energy, Material sciences and Mechanical Engineering (EMSME-2020)” organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Delhi, held during October30th –November 1st,2020.
National Conferences:
No. of National Conferences :16
- Patagundi Basagouda R. and Rajput Anjali B. “Durability Studies on Concrete using Superplasticizers” presented in the National Seminar on “Alternate Construction Materials in Civil Engineering”, organized by REC, Hamirpur [H.P.], during Dec. 10-11, 1996.
- Patagundi Basagouda R. and Sharma Manoj “High Strength High Performance Concrete for Repairs and Rehabilitations”, presented in the National Seminar on “Advances in Special Concretes” organized by the Indian Concrete Institute (Karnataka Centre), Bangalore, during Jan 23 –24, 1998.
- Patagundi Basagouda R. and K.G.Vishwanath “High Strength High Performance Mortar”, presented in the Symposium held at The Institution of Engineers (India), Belgaum, on 27th Feb. 1998.
- Patagundi B.R. and M.B. Patil “Effect of Addition of Flyash and Crushed Stone Powder on the Strength Characteristics and Temperature Resistance of Concrete”, presented in the National Symposium on “Futuristics of Concrete Technology and Optimal Design of RCC Structures”, organized by Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during Dec. 20-21, 2002.
- Prakash K.B and B.R.Patagundi “An Experimental Investigation on Light Weight Ferrocement Roofing Units”, presented in the National Symposium on “FuturIstics of Concrete Technology and Optimal Design of RCC Structures”, organized by Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during Dec. 20-21, 2002.
- Patagundi B.R. and Rajashekar Mamdapur “Strength and Durability Studies on High Performance Concrete”, presented in the National Seminar on “Advances in Civil Engineering”, organized by Harcourt Butler Institute of Technology, Kanpur, during Feb. 15-16, 2003
- Patil M.B., B.R.Patagundi and K.B.Prakash “Strength characteristics of Concrete containing glass fibres with different aspect ratios & different orientations”, published in Proceedings of National Conference on “Futuristic in Concrete & Construction Engineering” held at S.R.M Engg. College, SRM Institute of Science & Tech., Kattankulathur, Chennai, during December 3-5, 2003
- Prakash K.B., B.R.Patagundi, M.B. Patil, and S.D.Moses “Study of shrinkage characteristics of fibre reinforced concrete in different environments” Published in Proceedings of National Seminar on “Futuristic in concrete & construction engineering” held at S.R.M.Engg College, SRM Institute of Science and Tech. Kattankulathur,Chennai,during Dec 3-5,2003.
- Dr.K.B.Prakash, B.R.Patagundi, M.B.Patil and S.D.Moses “Study of Shrinkage Characteristics of Fiber Reinforced Concretes in different Environments” Published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Materials and Structures (MAST) held on 23rd – 24th Jan 2004 at NIT, Warangal.\
- Joby Mathew, Patagundi B.R, Prakash K.B, “An experimental investigation on self compacting concrete containing waste glass powder” published in the Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Advances in Materials and Mechanics of Concrete Structures, held on 12-13 Aug. 2005 at IIT, Madras (pp 99-103).
- Mary V.Mocherla, Patagundi B.R. and Prakash K.B. “Use of waste glass as Pozzolana in the production of Concrete” published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Application of Recycled and Marginal Materials in Construction – ARMICON 2006, held on 19-20 May 2006 at MSRIT, Bangalore.
- B.R.Patagundi, U.P.Patil, B.V.Chiniwalar “An experimental investigation on strength characteristics and microstructure of concrete using fly ash and metakaolin” published in the Proceedings of National seminar on “Fly Ash Avenues in Civil Engineering” held on 9-10 March 2007, KLESCET, Belgaum.
- Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of replacement of cement by waste glass powder on the properties of concrete”, published in the proceedings of National Conference on “Recent trends in civil engineering”, 9-10 March, 2007, R.I.T., Rajaramnagar, Sakhrale, Sangli.
- Patagundi B. R. and Prakash K. B., “Effect of sulphate attack on the properties of SFRC containing glass powder as mineral admixture”, presented in National Conference on “Recent advances in engineering and technology NCRAET 2K13”, 24-25th March, 2013, LNBC Institute of Engg. & Tech.,Raigaon, Satara.
- Patagundi B. R. and Ankush Patel, “Retrofication of RCC Structures using Polycon”, presented in National Conference on “Make in India-An Opportunity for Emerging Engineering Technologies” at SGBIT, Belagavi, on 5th -6th February 2016.
- Patagundi B. R. and Vaseem M.D. “Comparison between R.C.C. and Steel Structures by Seismic Analysis”, presented in National Conference on “CAAD 2016” at SDMCET, Dharwad, on 18th June 2016
Workshop / Seminars
• Co- Convener of National Level Workshop on “Effective Teaching Pedagogy for Technical College Teachers” at SGBIT, Belagavi, from 3rd -5th August, 2017
• Convener for 3 days National Level Workshop on “Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S. G. Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi, from 2nd to 4th February, 2018.
• Convener for 3 days Workshop on “Recent trends in highway design and construction”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S. G. Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi, from 3rd to 5th May, 2019.
• Convener for one week faculty development program on “ Laboratory studies in Civil Engineering”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S. G. Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi, from 8th to 14th July, 2019.
1 National Workshop J.N.T.U., Hyderabad Hyderabad 12.12.97 13.12.97 2-days
2 International Workshop IIT, Kharagpur Kharagpur 9.1.2003 11.1.2003 2-days
3 HRD Programme VTU,Belagavi Belagavi 22.2.2006 25.2.2006 4-days
4 Administration Shivaji University, Kolhapur Kolhapur 22.10.2010 - 1-day
5 National Workshop(FDP) SGBIT, Belagavi Belagavi 29.07.2015 31.7.2015 3-days
6 Lean manufacturing SGBIT, Belagavi Belagavi 22.01.2016 - 1-day
7 National Workshop(FDP) SGBIT, Belagavi Belagavi 3.8.2017 5.8.2017 3-days 8 National Workshop(FDP) SGBIT, Belagavi Belagavi 26.7.2018 28.7.2018 3-days
Projects and Exhibitions
1. Title of Project : Floating Light Weight Concrete
Name of the guide : Dr. B. R. Patagundi Name of the Student : Mr Veersh Sagar and team. Year : 2019 – 2020 Amount Sanctioned:4000/-
2. Title of Project : Green Building
Name of the guide : Dr. B. R. Patagundi Name of the Student : Mr Ajay B Patil and team. Year : 2019 – 2020 Amount Sanctioned:4000/-
3. Title of Project : Investigation on Characteristics of Permeable Pavement.
Name of the guide : Dr. B. R. Patagundi Name of the Student : Mr. Avadhoot Kogale and team Year : 2018 – 2019 Amount Sanctioned:4000/-
4. Title of Project:Experimental studies on pervious concrete and it’s applications
Name of the Guide: Dr. B. R. Patagundi Name of the Student : Mr. Abhishek Salimath and team Year : 2020 – 2021 Amount Sanctioned:4000/-
5. Title of Project:An experimental investigation on partial replacement of fine aggregate by waste shredded rubber tyre aggregate
Name of the Guide:Dr. B. R. Patagundi Name of the Student : Mr. K. R. Mayan and team Year : 2020 – 2021 Amount Sanctioned:4000/-
Other Activities
• Organised National Level technical event “Proumedha-2012” at LNBCIET, Satara, on 10 - 11th March, 2012
• Organised “Shodh” event for Satara District 12th and all degree students at LNBCIET, Satara, on 16th Dec., 2012
• Organised National Level technical event “Proumedha-2013” at LNBCIET, Satara, on 10-11th Feb., 2013
• Organised National Conference “NCRAET 2K13” at LNBCIET, Satara,on 24-25th March 2013 and Editor of Proceedings of National Conference • Review committee member of Indian Concrete Journal from 2013 to 2019
• Convener of National Conference “Make in India-An Opportunity for Emerging Engineering Technologies” at SGBIT, Belagavi, on 5th -6th February, 2016
• Convener of National Level Technical Fest “Samveekshna-2016” at SGBIT, Belagavi, on 22nd -23rd April, 2016
• Organised “Engineer’s day and Teacher’s day” on 15th September, 2017 @ SGBIT, Belagavi
• Accreditation work of Civil Engineering Department, SGBIT is under progress
• Organising committee member for UENTRA-03, INDEX-03, RECONSTRUCT-03.
• Organising committee member of National seminar on “Fly Ash Avenues in Civil Engineering” [FAUACE-2007] held on 9-10 March 2007, KLESCET, Belgaum.
• Convener of CIVIYANA -2009, National level student’s paper contest.
• Attended around 15 National/International seminars.
• Actively involved in Masons Training sponsored by GRASIM Industries
. • Timetable coordinator from 2003 to 2008, KLE Engg. College, Belagavi
• Actively involved in departmental consultancy work.
• Provided design of Lift Irrigation Schemes for DKSSKN Chikkodi from 2004-06 worth of Rs. 5 Crores.
• Actively involved in KNNL Projects from 2003-06--------Rs. 30 Crores.
• Involved in third party inspection of Corporation, TMC and Zilla Panchayat works of Belgaum District.