Mrs. Shaheen Mujawar

Mrs. Shaheen Mujawar

  • Department: Computer Science & Engineering
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Phone: 9742771004
  • Email: shaheenm@sgbit.edu.in
  • Teaching Experience: 12 Years
  • Industry Experience: NIL
  • Research Experience: NIL
B.E Electronics & Communication Engineering SDMCET Dharwad VTU,Belagavi
M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering GIT Belagavi VTU,Belagavi

Membership of Professional Bodies:

ISTE, LM 103824

Current Research

Image Processing and Machine Learning


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Grants Received Research/Projects Guided (Beyond Academic)

No Grants Details Found.

International Journals:

No. of International Journals Publications:4

1. Paper published in International Journal of Soft Computing “Hash function implementation using Cryptographic Hash function “Vol.1, No1, November 2010.

2. Paper published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering “Image Mosaicing using first order moments and pixel to pixel Comparison” Vol 4, Issue 3, March 2014.

3. Paper Published in IJERT “A Content Based Image Retrieval System for diagnosing Agricultural Plant Diseases” Vol 3, Issue 3, and March 2014.

No National Journals Found.

No International Conferences Found.

National Conferences:

No. of National Conferences :4

1. Presented a technical paper entitled “Use of Artificial Neural network for implementation of Cryptographic Hash function” in NCSCV 10 conducted at SDMCET, Dharwad.

2. Presented a paper titled “A survey on content based Image Retrieval using Gabor Texture feature” at national conference on “IDEAS-13”, at GIT, Belagavi.

3. Presented a paper entitled “ Sentiment analysis algorithm and its applications” at national conference on “ Make in India- An opportunity for engineering technologies” held on 5th and 6th February 2016 at SGBIT, Belagavi.

4. Presented a paper on “Project Loon Connectivity Worldwide” in the National Conference on “Skill Development and Entrepreneurship” held at SGBIT, Belagavi on 27th to 28th April 2018.

Workshop / Seminars

1.Attended and organized workshop on “Bigdata and Hadoop” organized by Scalebyte, A Bigdata academy held on April 2 & 3, 2016 at SGBIT, Belagavi 2. participated workshop on “Research Methodology “organized by SGBIT college, Belagavi on 13th and 14th July, 2015. 3. Attended National level workshop on “ Effective Teaching Pedagogies for Technical College Teachers “ conducted from 29th to 31st , July 2015 at SGBIT, Belagavi 4. Attended three days workshop on “Image Processing and its applications “conducted from 23rd to 25th Jan, 2017 at SGBIT, Belagavi. 5. Attended National level workshop on “ Effective Teaching Pedagogies for Technical College Teachers “ conducted from 3rd to 5th , August 2015 at SGBIT, Belagavi 6. Attended one day workshop on “NS2 using TCL Scripts” held at SGBIT, Belagavi on 1st Feb, 2018. 7. Participated in the three days National Level Workshop on “Pedagogy for engineering faculty “held at SGBIT, Belagavi on 26th to 28th July 2018. 8. “One Week Online Faculty Development Program on PYTHON 3.4.3” Organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Nashik in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay from 25th May to 30th May 2020. 9. Three day online workshop on "Devops" from 11th-13th June 2020 10. Successfully completed AICTE sponsored virtual short term training programme on " Awareness of Intellectual property rights for Engineers and Industrialists from 17th to 22nd Nov 2020.

Projects and Exhibitions

1.Participated as Mentor in “Smart India Hackathon, 2018”. 2.Mentored a Project in Internal Smart India Hackathon- Conducted at SGBIT, Belagavi-2019

Other Activities

Cisco virtual academy course on " Introduction to IoT " completed on 23/04/2020